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2021 Newsletter

Dear Members,
We will be having our Annual Members Meeting on Monday, April 26, 2021 at 7:00
pm. The location will be at the Alba-Golden School Cafetorium. To protect member’s health, this will be a business meeting only. There will not be a meal or door prizes. We look forwardto seeing you there.
With this newsletter, you have received a ballot for two (2) board member positions.
Please mark your two (2) choices and return it in the marked envelope to the office by 12:00 noon on April 26th.
Let us talk about the water company. This past year we added a record number of new
connections. We are over 1450 connections. Soon, we will have to add a new well and pump station. We have a site chosen for this pump station. We are also adding new water line in areas, along with upgrading old lines throughout the system.
During the snowstorm; overall, the water system kept our member’s water flowing. We
had a couple of plants that were taken down due to freezing, other plants shared the load. Under normal operations we have seven (7) water plants. This situation helped us learn of the areas where we are vulnerable and how to improve.
In ending I would like to thank you for allowing us to serve you and ask that if you
have any concerns about the water system, please call or come by the office, and let us address these concerns.
Thank you,
Wendell Baker - General Manager